Monday, October 26, 2009

At Least It's Something...Don't Know What It Is, But It's Something

Now I am working at a clothing store (dangerous for compulsive buyers like myself) and making $8. I get paid in cash, I think that says something..but I don't care what it says because it's nice to have actual cash resting in my pretty little mits! To be continued..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When They Scam You and Call YOU a Liar

I walked into the office today. Then I went to see the manager and told him that I could no longer work at this company. He proceeded to tell me I had no integrity and that I really didn't deserve this position that other people might have been dying for. Really? Really? This position someone missed out on because of me? At the time that I went in, they were three brand spanking new people in the lobby waiting to start their training. Two others, not including myself had already started. Unless they're homeless people, teenagers, circus workers or just naive individuals who don't know or don't care that they're being scammed, I'm pretty sure there is no one "dying" for this position. And even if I'm wrong about that, all they would have to do is wait a few days for the company to start accepting applications all over again. Days! Not weeks, just days. The manager went on to tell me that I was cutting myself short in this job, robbing myself of the success I might have! I guess because I've had so much monetary success in it already, right? $50 in three days, who knows, maybe it would have gone up to $55? Maybe $60? What about the day where I made NO money at all? Shame on me for cutting myself short. I was told that I had misled them, ha, they mislead people every damn day in a MLM like this one. So I'm a liar, I have no integrity, I didn't deserve to be a part of an MLM and I lost out on making less than minimum wage: hmm, did they think saying all this would make me stay? Better figure out a new tactic there, because this chick ain't fallin for it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And By the Way...

that magazine never called me back, although I was told enthusiastically by the CEO that they would "definitely" call me later in the week. I have heard nothing. I wish people would leave some of the smoke they blow up people's behinds...uh..well, behind.

Child Laborers Make More Than Me

So I've been at this job for three days and made $50. They pump you so full of crap I feel like a sceptic tank that's seeped into the back and the front yard. A 100% commission based job where everyone is supposed to be working as a team to make the company the most money? How bout not. Silly "bell parties" where you ring a bell and run down the line giving your "co-workers" high fives? Weird and a big fat social anxiety nightmare. We walked all over downtown L.A., almost ended up in southcentral L.A., thank God someone nixed that idea! What's next? Inglewood? Watts? Skidrow? All that walking and you want to know something? My mother went for a two mile walk this morning and found about a dollar in pennies just laying on the street. She made more than I did today.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pyramid of Cards

I think I just sold my soul to the devil...and that's probably the first sign that you've just been duped into a pyramid scheme. Now I'm not an idoit (most of the time anyway)so when I was looking at the job posting there was no hint of the greasy, bull sh*% coated slope that they intended to push you down. Of course, when is there ever a hint? After shadowing a "leader" and going from business to business and selling absolutely nothing (the pay is 100% comission by the way, didnt find that out until later, nice)I have come to see it all for what it really is. I don't know what to do.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Double-Timing Floosy

An employer called me today. I recently (and by recently I mean last night) I applied for a position as a entry-level account manager, and this individual who called me was following up on my application. It's full time work, I think I saw something about benefits in there, and by the way I really am not any good at math or juggling numbers. Why did I apply? Temporary insanity perhaps? Should be an interesting interview. And I'm still waiting on the other employer to call me back. I'm really hoping these two things will not end up conflicting with each other. It's like I'm dating two men that don't know about each other...not an experience I am unfamilliar with, but potentially hazardous all the same. I guess that makes me a two timing job slut :)

Vicious, Ravenous Job-Hunter, A.K.A: 24 Y.O. Female Post-Grad

I am forced to admit that like any human being I feel run down by a steady stream of rejection. I'm a poor, post-grad whose found that the walls of academia have collapsed and deteriorated as if they were never there to begin with. I have been mutated into a mad, raving animal foaming at the mouth, hunting jobs as if they were supple young deer to be brought down quickly and ripped open. Little graphic, but you get the idea. I feel sometimes, and I try to shove the thought away quickly, that these rejections reflect my inadequacies as a person and maybe I'm just not good enough for any job. I feel as though I worked for this degree that means about as much as that dog turd (at least I think it was from a dog) that I stepped in right after one of my failed job interviews. This thing that is supposed to put me ahead of the pack professionally, hasn't. I'm hoping during this waiting period, that it will affect something in relation to this last successful interview. But who knows? I must be doing something wrong, after all I'm not waving a pay check around as of yet. Sound like self-pity? Well it is and so what? We all need a space to vent and feel a little sorry right before we pick ourselves and get over it. So this has been mine.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

No Hitch In My Interview's Gitty-Up

Well, it happened
An interview that went smoothly and without a hitch (although I've never really understood that saying because if there were a hitch for a situation to get stuck on, what would it look like? Would it be a big hitch, small hitch, fat hitch, tall hitch?)At any rate, I drove out an hour early because I am directionally challenged and often get lost. It's a problem and I've come to terms with it. Moving on, I found the place after a few go-arounds because I mixed up the right turn I made with the left turn Mapquest told me I should have made and ended up south of where I should have been. I think it was south, maybe it was east? I looked very professional in a librarian sort of way with white slacks, light brown heels, a brown blouse, white and brown blazer. I had adorned my wrist with two gold bracelts and topped it off with the lovely, large smoky topaze ring my family gave me for graduation. I pumelled them with all the work from my portfolio (copies of press releases, articles, more press releases, more articles) and they seemed to really love my work. So, now the waiting game begins.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thank You Lady GaGa.....

for this priceless line "boys like you love me forever." So true, so true :)

Completely unrelated to anything of substance going on in my life, but it reminds me that I'm a catch, and doesn't something like that make everyone feel good?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

That's When You Know They're Idiots.....

when the employers talk loudly about you as you're filling out an employment application as if you have already left the vacinity and in fact you're sitting just a couple feet in front of the reception counter they are standing behind.

Example: 2 female managers of a spa I applied to work at as a sales rep.

Idiot Woman 1: What's this? (throws my resume to the wayside)

Idiot Woman 2: Oh, this girl gave me that, I told her we weren't hiring but she just kept insisting, so I gave her one.

(incorrect, I asked if I could fill out an application in spite of them not hiring at this time, at no point did I insist, harrass, or physically attack these nimrods in order to obtain an application. Although later, I wished I would have physically attacked them)

Idiot Woman 1:We'll I'm not hiring right now.

Idiot Woman 2: Well I know we're not hiring right now, there are no positions.

Idiot Woman 1: None at all.

Idiot Woman 2: But I guess you never know.

Idiot Woman 1: No, you never know, maybe something will open.

Idiot Woman 2: Maybe, but nothing now.

Idiot Woman 1: Oh no, nothing now, I'm not hiring. But if she wants to try, I guess you never know what can happen.

Idiot Woman 2: That's right, you never know.

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Slaughter An Interview

So picture it, that one interview that you prepared for, feeling svelt and confident in your abilities, proud with what you have to offer your would-be employer, and knowing you will be able to finally supplement your income to support that nasty habit you have: writing. Then the shit slowly begins to float, gracefully, like a particle of horrific crap dust, towards the fan. This was my experience:

The woman who will be interviewing me has given me bad directions and neglected to mention that the office I am seeking is not marked by any noticeable sign or any indication of its presence at all save for a very faint building number and some equally faint scribbly writing on the glass of the front window that reads: Caring Hands Dental Practice. Really? Because when I was finally able to make out the enigimatic lettering on the window after my tenth go around in the parking lot, the first thing that came to my mind was: oh there's the dentist office! Yeah right. Caring Hands? Denistry? Do they double as a rub and tug on the side and the dentistry part is just for appearance sake? I ended up being fifteen minutes late, although I did call to verify the location and got the same vague directions. Anywho, the position I am interviewing for is as a PR/Marketing agent for this dentist office, and in spite of my lack of experience, I am able to convey to the office manager that I am a hard working individual, I care about people and my desire to help them would allow me to sell this service to them in order to benefit their health and lives in general, as well as expressing my ability to represent the dentist office and ultimately widen their client base. She began to seem very interested in me...until her teeth began to hurt because a mere few hours ago she had veneers put in and throughout the entire interview had been suffering agonizing pain, so much so she could not even smile, on top of the growing pain in her mouth her husband calls and tells her very grave family news that leaves her not only in physical pain, but emotional distress, so she ends the interview early and slaps me with those dreaded words: I'll give you a call. That's about when the crap particles became a shit storm and offically hit the fan. Gotta love job hunting.