Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pyramid of Cards

I think I just sold my soul to the devil...and that's probably the first sign that you've just been duped into a pyramid scheme. Now I'm not an idoit (most of the time anyway)so when I was looking at the job posting there was no hint of the greasy, bull sh*% coated slope that they intended to push you down. Of course, when is there ever a hint? After shadowing a "leader" and going from business to business and selling absolutely nothing (the pay is 100% comission by the way, didnt find that out until later, nice)I have come to see it all for what it really is. I don't know what to do.


  1. You have to get out ...before you spend anymore money.
    Those 100% commission jobs aren't worth it unless you have deep pockets, and also a complete understanding of the product and are convinced that a business can't do without it.

  2. @Sweats: It's called Innovative Merchant Services, but we meet at an office that is rented to two different companies, one called USMA and the other called CSS Advertising. Bizarre. @ Kanani Thank you for your words, I really want to write and I had thought that this job would be a good primary source of income while I freelanced, since I can't find any staff positions, but now I see it's just a money pit
